
Home To Bea and Her Twin Brothers

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Today was Halloween.  First Bea and I went to story time at the library.  She wore costume number 1.  Zoo Keeper!

Then when Daddy got home from work, all the kiddos got dressed up as superheroes to go trick or treating.

Super Gus.
 Bat Archie.

We also saw Tia Jess, Tio Camilo and Monkey Lucas!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Today I mailed Bea's birthday card to the Sprout Network in hopes it will be on TV in a few weeks.  I don't know why this card stressed me out so much.  I guess I just wanted to do right by my daughter.  So four trips to Office Depot and a lot of money later I'm happy with the results.

Now it could have said Love Mommy, Daddy, Gus, Archie, Grandma, Gak, Abuela, Nena, Aunt Julie, Uncle David, Uncle Rick, Tia Jessica You East coast family and friends and all your gatos....  But we didn't have the room.   Sorry for all those not on the card but Bea knows you love her.

Mommy's a baby pillow.



Monday, October 29, 2012

1 Month Old

One month already.  Can you believe it?

Bea had an awesome day today.  First she went to on library where they had gymnastic class.

Then she went to another library where she heard stories

And made this.... Apple Monster.

And what did the boys do?  The same thing they usually do.  Sleep, eat and poop.

Sunday, October 28, 2012


Three days til Halloween.  About time we painted our pumpkins.   Bea did a great job.  No mess at all.

Except on the pumpkin of course.

Daddy and the boys helped.

Then we painted the boys' pumpkins.   We'll be more creative when we don't have a house full or diapers.

The pumpkin family.  From the left:  Meatloaf, Archie, Gus, Daddy, Mommy, Bea, Bitty, Grace and Newman.  Phew...

Saturday, October 27, 2012

4 Weeks Old

Bea celebrated by spending the day with Nena so Mommy and Daddy could start de-cluttering the house.  (Amazing how three kids fill up space).

And we finally figured out where Archie came from.   This is a picture of Jeremy's Grandpa "Red".

And finally to celebrate 4 weeks - baby dance party.




And since Gus is eating soooo much these days, a picture of Gus's cankles.

And in big news Bea had her first haircut (trim) today.     She sat on my lap and played with my phone and occasionally cried.  Then it was over and she was given a lollipop.  How did she feel then?

Thursday, October 25, 2012


Gus getting a bath.

Archie sleeping while getting a bath.

Bea and Ryder.

Bea trying on a new dress.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Bea and Gus.


Bea went to the playground.

Abuela saying goodbye to Archie.


Gulp.  Now I'm in charge of both of them.